Maximize Your Earnings with AI Tool Affiliate Programs

AI Tool Affiliate Programs

Do you want to capitalize on the booming AI industry and earn lucrative commissions? Affiliate Programs for AI Tools offer the perfect opportunity to promote cutting-edge AI solutions and earn income through successful referrals.

“Tap into the Future of Technology: Earn Big with Affiliate Programs for AI Tools!”


In the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence (AI), businesses are constantly seeking innovative tools to stay ahead of the competition. AI tools offer incredible capabilities, from automation to data analysis, and have become indispensable for many industries.

In this article, we will explore the world of affiliate programs for AI tools, uncovering the benefits they offer and providing insights into the top programs available.

What are Affiliate Programs?

Affiliate programs are partnerships between companies that provide products or services and individuals or businesses (affiliates) who promote those offerings.

Affiliates earn a commission for each successful referral or sale they generate through their marketing efforts.

These programs create a win-win situation where both the company and the affiliate benefit from increased sales and brand exposure.

The Benefits of Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs offer several advantages for both affiliates and the companies they promote. For affiliates, it provides an opportunity to monetize their influence and expertise.

They can leverage their online presence, such as blogs or social media channels, to recommend AI tools they genuinely believe in and earn income from their referrals.

On the other hand, companies benefit from the extended reach and targeted marketing efforts of their affiliates, allowing them to expand their customer base without significant upfront costs.

AI Tools and Their Popularity

AI tools have gained immense popularity across various industries due to their ability to streamline processes, analyze vast amounts of data, and improve decision-making.

Businesses rely on AI-powered solutions for tasks like natural language processing, predictive analytics, and machine learning.

The demand for these tools continues to rise as companies recognize the potential to enhance productivity, efficiency, and competitiveness.

Overview of Affiliate Programs for AI Tools

In recent years, affiliate programs for AI tools have emerged to cater to the growing demand for these innovative solutions.

These programs provide affiliates with the opportunity to promote cutting-edge AI tools and earn commissions based on their referrals.

The range of available programs varies, offering different commission structures, marketing resources, and support.

How to Choose the Right Affiliate Program

When it comes to choosing the right affiliate program for AI tools, there are several factors to consider. Here are some essential steps to help you make an informed decision:

  1. Research and Evaluate the Company: Start by researching the company offering the affiliate program. Look for reputable and established companies with a strong track record in providing high-quality AI tools. Consider their reputation, customer reviews, and overall credibility in the industry.
  2. Commission Structure: Examine the commission structure of the affiliate program. Determine how much commission you can earn for each referral or sale. Some programs offer a percentage of the sale, while others provide a fixed amount per referral. Assess which structure aligns with your earning goals and the potential profitability of the AI tools you’ll be promoting.
  3. Payment Terms: Review the payment terms of the affiliate program. Understand the frequency of payments, whether it’s monthly, quarterly, or upon reaching a certain threshold. Additionally, check the available payment methods to ensure they are convenient for you.
  4. Marketing Resources and Support: Look for affiliate programs that provide comprehensive marketing resources and support. These can include banners, text links, product descriptions, and promotional materials that you can use to effectively market the AI tools. Additionally, assess the level of support offered, such as access to an affiliate manager or a dedicated support team.
  5. Compatibility with Target Audience: Consider the compatibility between the AI tools offered by the program and your target audience’s needs and preferences. Ensure that the AI tools align with the interests and requirements of your audience to maximize the chances of successful referrals and conversions.
  6. Track Record of Affiliate Success: Research the success stories of affiliates who have previously participated in the program. Look for testimonials or case studies that showcase the achievements and earnings of affiliates within the program. This can give you valuable insights into the potential for success and profitability.
  7. Terms and Conditions: Carefully review the terms and conditions of the affiliate program. Pay attention to any restrictions or guidelines that may affect your promotional activities. Ensure that the program’s terms align with your marketing strategies and comply with any applicable legal or ethical considerations.

By following these steps, you can make an informed decision when choosing the right affiliate program for AI tools.

Remember that selecting a reputable program that offers competitive commissions, strong marketing support, and aligns with your target audience’s needs will increase your chances of success as an affiliate marketer.

Top 8 Affiliate Programs for AI Tools

Here are some notable affiliate programs for AI tools:

  1. IBM Watson Affiliate Program: IBM Watson offers an affiliate program that allows affiliates to earn commissions by promoting their AI-powered solutions. Affiliates gain access to a wide range of tools and resources to facilitate successful marketing campaigns.
  2. Microsoft Azure AI Affiliate Program: Microsoft Azure AI provides an affiliate program where affiliates can earn commissions by referring customers to their AI tools and services. The program offers competitive commission rates and comprehensive support for affiliates.
  3. Amazon AWS AI Services Affiliate Program: Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers an affiliate program specifically for their AI services. Affiliates can earn commissions by promoting AWS AI solutions, including services like Amazon Rekognition and Amazon Polly.
  4. Google Cloud AI Affiliate Program: Google Cloud provides an affiliate program for their AI offerings. Affiliates can earn commissions by referring customers to Google Cloud AI services, such as Google Cloud Vision and Google Cloud Natural Language.
  5. Salesforce Einstein Affiliate Program: Salesforce offers an affiliate program for their AI platform, Einstein. Affiliates can earn commissions by promoting Salesforce Einstein’s AI-powered features, such as predictive analytics and intelligent automation.
  6. Adobe Sensei Affiliate Program: Adobe Sensei, the AI and machine learning technology from Adobe, has an affiliate program that allows affiliates to earn commissions by promoting Adobe’s AI-powered creative and marketing tools.
  7. HubSpot AI Affiliate Program: HubSpot offers an affiliate program for their AI-driven marketing and sales tools. Affiliates can earn commissions by referring customers to HubSpot’s AI solutions, including chatbots, email automation, and lead scoring.
  8. BigML Affiliate Program: BigML, a machine learning platform, provides an affiliate program where affiliates can earn commissions by promoting their AI tools and services. The program offers attractive commission rates and resources for successful promotions.

Remember to visit each program’s website for detailed information on their commission structures, marketing resources, and how to join their affiliate programs.

1. IBM Watson Affiliate Program

The IBM Watson Affiliate Program is an excellent opportunity for affiliates to promote and earn commissions by referring customers to IBM Watson’s AI-powered solutions.

As a leading provider of AI technology, IBM Watson offers a range of advanced tools and services that cater to various industries and use cases.

By joining their affiliate program, you can leverage the credibility and reputation of IBM Watson to earn commissions while promoting cutting-edge AI tools.

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The IBM Watson Affiliate Program provides affiliates with the opportunity to promote a diverse range of AI products and services. These include AI-powered solutions for natural language processing, machine learning, data analysis, chatbots, and more.

Affiliates can choose from a wide selection of AI tools tailored to specific industries, such as healthcare, finance, retail, and manufacturing.

Commission Rate:

The commission rate for the IBM Watson Affiliate Program is competitive and varies depending on the specific product or service being promoted. Affiliates can earn a percentage of the sales generated through their referrals.

The commission rates are designed to provide a rewarding incentive for affiliates who successfully drive sales and conversions.

Cookie Duration:

The cookie duration for the IBM Watson Affiliate Program is typically 30 days. This means that if a user clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase within 30 days, you will still receive credit for the referral, entitling you to earn the corresponding commission.

Payment Options:

IBM Watson provides convenient payment options for their affiliates. Payments are usually made on a monthly basis, ensuring a steady and reliable income stream.

Affiliates can expect to receive payments via popular methods such as PayPal, direct bank transfers, or checks, depending on their preferred payment option and the program’s terms.

Our Thoughts:

The IBM Watson Affiliate Program is an attractive choice for affiliates interested in promoting AI tools. With IBM Watson’s strong brand reputation and a wide range of advanced AI products, affiliates can confidently market these solutions to their audience.

The competitive commission rates, coupled with a 30-day cookie duration and convenient payment options, make it an enticing opportunity to earn commissions.

By aligning with a trusted industry leader like IBM Watson, affiliates can enhance their credibility and tap into the growing demand for AI technologies.

2. Microsoft Azure AI Affiliate Program

The Microsoft Azure AI Affiliate Program offers a lucrative opportunity for affiliates to promote and earn commissions by referring customers to Microsoft’s AI tools and services.

With Microsoft Azure AI, affiliates can tap into the power of machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision capabilities.

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The affiliate program encompasses a wide range of AI tools and services offered by Microsoft Azure, including but not limited to:

  • Azure Cognitive Services: AI-powered APIs for text analysis, image recognition, and speech recognition.
  • Azure Machine Learning: A comprehensive platform for building, training, and deploying machine learning models.
  • Azure Bot Service: Tools to create intelligent chatbots for various applications and platforms.
  • Azure Cognitive Search: AI-powered search capabilities for rich content exploration.

Commission Rate:

Microsoft Azure AI Affiliate Program offers competitive commission rates. Affiliates can earn a commission based on the referred customer’s usage of Azure AI services.

The exact commission structure may vary, so it’s recommended to review the program’s terms and conditions for specific details.

Cookie Duration:

The cookie duration for the Microsoft Azure AI Affiliate Program is typically 30 days. This means that if a customer clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase within 30 days, you will still receive a commission for that referral.

Payment Options:

Microsoft Azure AI Affiliate Program provides various payment options for affiliates. Typically, affiliates can receive their commissions through electronic fund transfers or check payments.

The program may have specific thresholds or payment schedules, so it’s advisable to check the program’s payment terms for detailed information.

Our Thoughts:

The Microsoft Azure AI Affiliate Program presents an excellent opportunity for affiliates interested in promoting AI tools and services.

With the reputable brand name of Microsoft and a comprehensive range of AI offerings, affiliates can leverage the growing demand for AI solutions.

The competitive commission rates, diverse product portfolio, and strong support from Microsoft make this program appealing for both experienced and aspiring AI tool affiliates.

3. Amazon AWS AI Services Affiliate Program

The Amazon AWS AI Services Affiliate Program is a renowned affiliate program that allows affiliates to promote and earn commissions by referring customers to Amazon Web Services (AWS) AI services.

AWS offers a comprehensive suite of AI tools and services, empowering businesses to leverage artificial intelligence for various applications.

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The affiliate program covers a wide range of AI services provided by Amazon AWS. Affiliates can promote AI solutions such as Amazon Rekognition for image and video analysis, Amazon Polly for text-to-speech conversion, and Amazon Lex for building conversational interfaces.

These AI tools cater to different industry needs and offer cutting-edge technology for enhanced productivity and efficiency.

Commission Rate:

The commission rate for the Amazon AWS AI Services Affiliate Program is competitive. Affiliates can earn a commission for each referral that leads to a sale of AWS AI services.

The exact commission structure may vary, so it’s advisable to refer to the program’s terms and conditions for specific details.

Cookie Duration:

The cookie duration, or the period during which affiliates can receive credit for their referrals, is an important consideration. The Amazon AWS AI Services Affiliate Program typically offers a cookie duration of 24 hours.

This means that if a customer clicks on an affiliate’s referral link and makes a purchase within 24 hours, the affiliate will receive a commission for that sale.

Payment Options:

Amazon AWS AI Services Affiliate Program provides various payment options for affiliates to receive their commissions.

Affiliates can choose to receive payments through methods such as direct bank deposit or Amazon gift cards, offering flexibility and convenience.

Our Thoughts:

The Amazon AWS AI Services Affiliate Program presents an excellent opportunity for affiliates interested in promoting AI tools and services.

With the vast array of AI solutions offered by Amazon AWS, affiliates have a broad range of products to cater to different audience needs.

The competitive commission rate, coupled with the reputable brand recognition of Amazon, makes this program an attractive choice for affiliate marketers.

Additionally, the 24-hour cookie duration allows affiliates to earn commissions even if the customer makes a purchase within a day of clicking the referral link.

The availability of multiple payment options adds further convenience for affiliates to receive their earnings efficiently.

Overall, the Amazon AWS AI Services Affiliate Program is a top choice for affiliates looking to capitalize on the growing demand for AI tools and services.

By joining this program, affiliates can promote cutting-edge AI solutions from one of the industry leaders and earn commissions while providing value to their audience.

4. Google Cloud AI Affiliate Program

The Google Cloud AI Affiliate Program is an excellent opportunity for affiliates to earn commissions by promoting Google Cloud’s AI services.

Google Cloud offers a comprehensive suite of AI tools and solutions, empowering businesses to leverage the power of artificial intelligence in their operations.

As an affiliate, you can tap into the growing demand for AI technology and earn commissions for successful referrals.

Website URL:


The Google Cloud AI Affiliate Program allows you to promote a wide range of AI products and services, including Google Cloud Vision, Google Cloud Natural Language, Google Cloud Translation, and many more.

These tools enable businesses to implement advanced AI capabilities, such as image recognition, sentiment analysis, and language translation, to enhance their operations and deliver better experiences to their customers.

Commission Rate:

Google Cloud offers competitive commission rates for affiliates. While specific commission details may vary, you can earn a percentage of the sales generated through your referrals.

The commission rate is attractive and provides a great incentive for affiliates to actively promote Google Cloud AI services.

Cookie Duration:

The Google Cloud AI Affiliate Program provides a generous cookie duration. When a user clicks on your affiliate link, a cookie is placed in their browser, which tracks their activity.

With a longer cookie duration, you have a higher chance of earning commissions even if the user takes some time before making a purchase.

Payment Options:

Google Cloud offers convenient payment options for affiliates. They typically provide payments via popular methods such as bank transfers, PayPal, or check.

The availability of multiple payment options ensures that affiliates can choose the most convenient method for receiving their commissions.

Our Thoughts:

The Google Cloud AI Affiliate Program is highly recommended for affiliates looking to promote AI tools and services. With the reputation and credibility of Google Cloud, you can confidently market their AI solutions to your audience.

The competitive commission rates, extended cookie duration, and convenient payment options make it a compelling choice for affiliate marketers in the AI industry.

By joining the program, you can leverage the power of Google Cloud’s AI offerings and earn commissions while providing value to businesses seeking advanced AI capabilities.

5. Salesforce Einstein Affiliate Program

The Salesforce Einstein Affiliate Program offers a fantastic opportunity for affiliates to earn commissions by promoting Salesforce’s powerful AI platform, Einstein.

With Einstein, businesses can leverage advanced analytics, machine learning, and predictive capabilities to enhance their sales, marketing, and customer service operations.

The program allows affiliates to tap into the growing demand for AI-driven solutions and earn commissions for successful referrals.

Website URL:


The Salesforce Einstein platform includes a wide range of AI-powered features and services.

Affiliates can promote products such as Einstein Analytics, which provides actionable insights from data, and Einstein Bots, intelligent chatbots that enhance customer interactions.

Other offerings include Einstein Vision for image recognition, Einstein Discovery for predictive analytics, and Einstein Voice for voice-activated AI capabilities.

Commission Rate:

The commission rate for the Salesforce Einstein Affiliate Program is competitive, offering affiliates a generous commission for each referral that leads to a sale.

The specific commission structure may vary, so it’s important to review the program’s details for the latest information.

Cookie Duration:

The cookie duration for the Salesforce Einstein Affiliate Program is typically 30 days. This means that if a user clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase within 30 days, you will still receive the commission for that referral.

Payment Options:

Salesforce Einstein Affiliate Program provides various payment options for affiliates to receive their commissions. These options may include direct bank transfers, PayPal, or other electronic payment methods.

Check the program’s payment terms for specific details on payment options and minimum payout thresholds.

Our Thoughts:

The Salesforce Einstein Affiliate Program presents a compelling opportunity for affiliates interested in promoting AI tools. With Salesforce being a leading provider of CRM and cloud solutions, their AI-powered Einstein platform is highly regarded in the industry.

The program offers attractive commission rates, a diverse range of AI products to promote, and a robust support system.

By leveraging Salesforce’s brand reputation and the increasing demand for AI-driven solutions, affiliates can capitalize on this program to generate income and provide value to their audience.

In conclusion, the Salesforce Einstein Affiliate Program stands out as a top choice for affiliates interested in AI tool promotions. It combines the power of Salesforce’s AI platform with an enticing commission structure, providing affiliates with the potential for significant earnings.

By recommending Salesforce Einstein’s innovative AI solutions, affiliates can tap into the growing market demand and help businesses unlock the full potential of AI technology.

6. Adobe Sensei Affiliate Program

The Adobe Sensei Affiliate Program provides an excellent opportunity for affiliates to earn commissions by promoting Adobe’s AI-powered creative and marketing tools.

Adobe Sensei leverages advanced AI and machine learning technologies to enhance various aspects of design, content creation, and marketing automation.

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Affiliates can promote a wide range of Adobe products powered by Sensei, including Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Experience Cloud, and Adobe Marketing Cloud.

These products encompass industry-leading solutions for graphic design, video editing, web development, data-driven marketing, and more.

Commission Rate:

The commission rate for the Adobe Sensei Affiliate Program is competitive, offering affiliates a percentage of the sales generated through their referrals.

The exact commission rate may vary, and detailed information can be obtained by joining the program and accessing their affiliate portal.

Cookie Duration:

The cookie duration refers to the length of time during which an affiliate can receive a commission for a referral after the initial click on their affiliate link.

While specific details may vary, the Adobe Sensei Affiliate Program typically offers a generous cookie duration, ensuring that affiliates receive credit for conversions even if they occur days after the initial click.

Payment Options:

Adobe provides various payment options for affiliates, allowing them to receive their commissions conveniently. Common payment methods include bank transfers, PayPal, and sometimes even the option to receive payments as Adobe Store credit.

Our Thoughts:

The Adobe Sensei Affiliate Program is an excellent choice for affiliates looking to promote cutting-edge AI-powered tools for creative professionals and marketers.

With Adobe’s strong brand reputation, extensive product lineup, and competitive commission rates, affiliates have the potential to earn significant commissions while providing value to their audience.

The extended cookie duration is an added advantage, providing affiliates with ample time to earn commissions from their referrals. Moreover, the flexibility in payment options ensures convenient and timely commission payouts.

Joining the Adobe Sensei Affiliate Program can be a smart move for affiliates in the AI tools niche, as it opens up a vast range of highly regarded and sought-after products to promote.

By leveraging the power of Adobe Sensei’s AI capabilities, affiliates can cater to the needs of designers, marketers, and creative professionals, while also benefiting from a reliable and reputable affiliate program.

7. HubSpot AI Affiliate Program

The HubSpot AI Affiliate Program offers an excellent opportunity for affiliates to earn commissions by promoting HubSpot’s AI-driven marketing and sales tools.

As a leader in the industry, HubSpot provides a comprehensive suite of AI-powered solutions designed to help businesses drive growth, enhance customer experiences, and improve efficiency.

Website URL:


Affiliates can promote a range of AI-driven products offered by HubSpot, including chatbots, email automation, lead scoring, predictive analytics, and personalized content recommendations.

These tools empower businesses to leverage the power of AI to automate marketing and sales processes, deliver targeted messaging, and gain valuable insights for better decision-making.

Commission Rate:

The HubSpot AI Affiliate Program offers a competitive commission rate for affiliates. While the specific rate may vary, affiliates can earn a percentage of the sales they generate or a fixed amount per referral.

The program rewards affiliates for their efforts in promoting HubSpot’s AI tools and driving successful conversions.

Cookie Duration:

HubSpot provides a generous cookie duration to ensure that affiliates receive credit for their referrals. The cookie duration refers to the period during which affiliates will receive commissions for sales made by customers they referred.

The exact cookie duration for the HubSpot AI Affiliate Program can be obtained from their program’s terms and conditions.

Payment Options:

HubSpot offers various payment options to cater to affiliates’ preferences. Affiliates can expect timely and reliable payments through methods such as PayPal, direct bank transfers, or checks.

The program ensures convenient and hassle-free payment processes, allowing affiliates to receive their commissions promptly.

Our Thoughts:

The HubSpot AI Affiliate Program is an enticing opportunity for affiliates interested in promoting AI tools for marketing and sales. HubSpot’s reputation as a leading provider of AI-driven solutions ensures that affiliates are aligning themselves with a trusted brand.

With a wide range of AI products available, affiliates can cater to diverse target audiences and leverage the growing demand for AI-powered marketing and sales tools.

The competitive commission rate, generous cookie duration, and flexible payment options make this program appealing for affiliates seeking to monetize their efforts effectively.

Note: Please visit the HubSpot website or contact their affiliate program for the most up-to-date information regarding commission rates, cookie duration, and payment options.

8. BigML Affiliate Program

The BigML Affiliate Program offers an exciting opportunity to earn commissions by promoting their advanced AI tools and services.

BigML is a leading machine learning platform that empowers businesses with powerful AI capabilities to solve complex problems and make data-driven decisions.

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As an affiliate, you can promote BigML’s comprehensive suite of AI tools and services, including their intuitive machine learning platform, automated machine learning (AutoML), anomaly detection, predictive analytics, and more.

These tools cater to a wide range of industries and applications, empowering businesses to leverage AI for improved efficiency and decision-making.

Commission Rate:

The BigML Affiliate Program offers a competitive commission rate for every successful referral you make. The exact commission rate may vary, so it’s important to check the program’s terms and conditions for the most up-to-date information.

Cookie Duration:

The cookie duration for the BigML Affiliate Program is days. This means that if a user clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase within the cookie duration, you will still receive the commission for that referral.

Payment Options:

BigML provides flexible payment options for their affiliates. You can receive your commissions through various methods such as PayPal, direct bank transfer, or other preferred payment options. The program ensures convenient and timely payouts for your earnings.

Our Thoughts:

The BigML Affiliate Program presents a great opportunity for affiliates interested in promoting advanced AI tools.

With BigML’s comprehensive suite of AI solutions, you can cater to a diverse audience and help businesses unlock the power of machine learning. The competitive commission rate and flexible payment options make it a rewarding program to join.

Additionally, BigML’s reputation as a leading machine learning platform adds credibility to the program, increasing the chances of successful referrals.

We believe that the BigML Affiliate Program is worth considering for affiliates looking to capitalize on the growing demand for AI tools.

Optional Affilaite Programs for AI Tools

In addition to the above programs, here are 10 more optional affiliate programs for AI tools that offer exciting opportunities for individuals and businesses to earn commissions while promoting cutting-edge AI solutions.

These programs provide a diverse range of AI tools and services, allowing affiliates to tap into different niches and cater to specific audience needs.

  1. OpenAI Affiliate Program *** VERY POPULAR **
  2. TensorFlow Affiliate Program
  3. Affiliate Program
  4. DataRobot Affiliate Program
  5. RapidMiner Affiliate Program
  6. Dataiku Affiliate Program
  7. Keras Affiliate Program
  8. Cognizant AI Affiliate Program
  9. Intel AI Affiliate Program
  10. Oracle AI Affiliate Program
  11. SAP AI Affiliate Program

Learn more about each program, check the factors to consider, and join today to start earning with these AI tool affiliate programs.


Affiliate programs for AI tools present a lucrative opportunity for individuals and businesses alike to capitalize on the growing demand for AI solutions.

By joining these programs, affiliates can earn commissions by promoting cutting-edge AI tools to their audience.

Simultaneously, companies can benefit from increased sales and brand exposure through the efforts of their affiliates.


Q: How do I join an affiliate program for AI tools?

A: To join an affiliate program, visit the company’s website and look for their affiliate program page. Follow the instructions to sign up and start promoting their AI tools.

Q: Do I need technical expertise to become an affiliate for AI tools?

A: While technical expertise can be beneficial, it’s not always necessary. Many affiliate programs provide resources and support to help affiliates understand and market the AI tools effectively.

Q: Can I promote multiple AI tools from different companies?

A: Yes, in most cases, you can promote multiple AI tools from different companies as long as you comply with the terms and conditions of each affiliate program.

Q: How much commission can I earn as an affiliate for AI tools?

A: The commission rates vary among affiliate programs. Some offer a percentage of the sale, while others provide a fixed amount per referral. Check the details of each program to understand the commission structure.

Q: Can I track the performance of my affiliate marketing efforts?

A: Yes, most affiliate programs provide affiliate dashboards or tracking tools that allow you to monitor your performance, track referrals, and view your earnings.

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