Affiliate Marketing Glossary – 30 Essential Terms You Need to Know

Affiliate Marketing Glossary - 30 Essential Terms

Are you starting an affiliate marketing business? And are you new to this industry? Here is a list of important affiliate marketing glossary terms, conditions, and abbreviations you must learn. This will help you to understand the terminology used within the industry. The list is sorted by alphabetical order.

  1. Advertiser
  2. Affiliate (Affiliate Marketer)
  3. Affiliate Agreement
  4. Affiliate Disclosure
  5. Affiliate Link
  6. Affiliate Marketing
  7. Affiliate Merchant
  8. Affiliate Network
  9. Affiliate Program
  10. Affiliate Software
  11. Affiliate Tracking
  12. CPA (Cost-Per-Acquisition)
  13. CPC (Cost-Per-Click)
  14. CPL (Cost-Per-Lead)
  15. CPM (Cost-Per-One Thousand Impressions)
  16. CPS (Cost-Per-Sale)
  17. CPV (Cost-Per-View)
  18. CTR (Click-Through-Rate)
  19. Commission
  20. Cookie Stuffing
  21. Cookies
  22. Creatives
  23. Landing Page
  24. PPC (Pay-Per-Click)
  25. PPL (Pay-Per-Lead)
  26. PPS (Pay-Per-Sale)
  27. Publisher
  28. Recurring Commission
  29. SEO
  30. Two-Tier (2-Tier)

Now, let’s start!

A Glossary of Affiliate Marketing – 30 Terms and Definitions

1. Advertiser

A person or company or affiliate merchant that owns a particular product or services and pay the money for showing their products on different websites or generating leads to their website.

2. Affiliate (Affiliate Marketer)

A person or salesperson or marketer or organization or publisher that promotes other offers, products, or services in exchange for earning a commission for the sales, clicks, or leads to a merchant. The affiliate can promote merchant products by sharing affiliate links on a website, blogs, social media, or ad networks.

3. Affiliate Agreement

An agreed term between advertiser or merchant and an affiliate or advertiser. This covers the terms on which the benefits or commission that an affiliate marketer will be received for promoting products.

4. Affiliate Disclosure

A page or statement on affiliate’s website or blog that informs website visitors aware if the affiliate is being paid for purchasing products or services. The disclosure is required to comply with the United States FTC (Federal Trade Commission) laws.

This is a sample of the affiliate disclosure if the publisher is doing affiliate business with Amazon.

“We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.”

5. Affiliate Link

Also, called Tracking Link or Click Tracking Link – A unique affiliate ID link that the merchant gives to an affiliate marketer for tracking the sales or traffic that the affiliate sends to the merchant’s website.

6. Affiliate Marketing

How Affiliate Marketing Works

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One of the making money online methods that affiliate or publisher earns a commission by promoting merchant’s products or services. The affiliate doesn’t need to handle any orders, manage stock or inventory, provide customer support, or even deal with the buyer. All these jobs are responsible for the merchant.

7. Affiliate Merchant

An advertiser or company that produces products or services, deliver products to buyers, manages stock, and provides customer support. The merchant also provides marketing materials for publishers.

8. Affiliate Network

ShareASale Affiliate Marketing Network

An intermediary between publishers (affiliates) and merchant affiliate programs. For publishers, the network provides an affiliate link, reporting tools, and payment application. This helps publishers more easily find and join the merchant affiliate program. For merchants, the network provides an affiliate tracking system, reporting tools, and payment processing system.

Clickbank, ShareASale, MaxBounty, JVZoo, WarriorPlus, and CJ are examples of the popular affiliate network in the market.

9. Affiliate Program

Also, be called an Associate Program, the merchant pays commission affiliate for website traffic, sales, or lead generation on PPC, PPS, or PPL basis. Top affiliate programs in the marketplace are Amazon, eBay, Wealthy Affiliate, and more.

10. Affiliate Software

A software program that merchants or advertisers utilize to manage their affiliate products or services, tracking affiliate efforts, and generating reports. Some of the popular affiliate software are, LinkTrust, AffTrack, and more.

11. Affiliate Tracking

The process of managing and tracking affiliate marketing activities, usually through the use of special software and different plugins installed in affiliate blogs or websites. The sales, conversions, and clicks from affiliate websites are being tracked in order to measure the performance of affiliates.

12. CPA (Cost-Per-Acquisition)

Other words for Cost Per Action (CPA), Pay Per Acquisition (PPA), an online advertising pricing model where the advertiser or merchant pays for a specified acquisition.

13. CPC (Cost-Per-Click)

An online advertising pricing model where an advertiser pays for when a customer clicks an affiliate link.

14. CPL (Cost-Per-Lead)

An online advertising pricing model where an advertiser pays for an explicit sign-up from a customer interested in the advertiser’s offer.

15. CPM (Cost-Per-One Thousand Impressions)

An online advertising pricing model where an advertiser pays for displaying an advertisement per 1000 impressions on one web page.

16. CPS (Cost-Per-Sale)

An online advertising pricing model where an advertiser pays on the basis of the number of sales.

17. CPV (Cost-Per-View)

An online advertising pricing model where an advertiser pays for video advertisements based on the number of views.

18. CTR (Click-Through-Rate)

A metric that measures the number of clicks on a specific link to the number of impressions or number of total users who view a page.

19. Commission

A referral fee or money that a merchant pays an affiliate or publisher for a specific action (click, sign-up, view, or buy a product).

20, Cookie Stuffing

Also, called cookie dropping, an affiliate marketing technique (an illegal practice) in which, as a result of visiting a website, a user receives a third-party cookie from a website unrelated to that visited by the user, usually without the user being aware of it.

21. Cookies

Small text files (affiliate ID, time, and date) stored on the visitor’s browser when the visitor clicks on an affiliate link to get to an advertiser’s website. This allows the advertiser to track the commission owed to the affiliate.

22. Creatives

Any affiliate marketing materials (banners, images, text links, video, email, keywords, etc.) created by the merchants that publishers can use these to promote their affiliate links.

23. Landing Page

A destination single page on publisher’s website created for the purpose of email marketing or online advertising campaign. This page allows publishers to acquire qualified visitors, capture their information, and turn the visitors or traffics into leads.

This is a sample of the Landing Page.

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24. PPC (Pay-Per-Click)

A payment model where an advertiser pays only when the ad’s actually clicked on.

25. PPL (Pay-Per-Lead)

A payment model where an advertiser pays an affiliate for getting visitors to sign up, complete quotes, install apps, enroll in free trials, and more.

26. PPS (Pay-Per-Sale)

A payment model where an advertiser pays an affiliate for viewing video or TV advertisements based on the number of views.

27. Publisher

The affiliate or affiliate marketer is known as the publisher.

28. Recurring Commission

Payouts that are made to affiliate every month. This allows affiliates to make passive income.

29. SEO

Stands for Search Engine Optimization, the process of optimizing websites and webpages to get free, and organic traffic from search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing.

30. Two-Tier (2-Tier)

An affiliate model that allows publishers to make commissions not only on their own sales but the sales from others (their sub-affiliates) that the publisher refers to the program.


Now you have learned 30 major affiliate marketing glossary terms and definitions. Please keep in mind that affiliate marketing is one of the fastest-changing industries in the online business, so these affiliate marketing glossary terms and conditions will be updated all the time. You need to stay close-up with this industry.

If you are looking for other affiliate terms please let me know in the comments below. I will update the glossary list. Thank you very much.

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